Festivals & Practices Commission

Festivals & Practices Commission

what does the committee do?
Our goal is the production of a complete and accurate list of Ghanaian folk festivals

For organisers of festivals we also offer the opportunity to promote their festival by special advertisement on Ghana National section and IOV – World website.


How it works?
Festivals are very welcome to our members and after paying the membership fees, we can start the announcing of the festival at IOV- World website calender.


We are available for organisers of festivals who wants to invite special groups for the festival program, by conveying their planned program to the IOV- World Festival & Practice Commission chair.

By publishing the festivals in our calender and IOV World calender, we hope to be able to promote intangible cultural Heritage in Ghana and to keep traditions alive.


Festivals are a meeting place for learning about cultural diversity and build up new friendships.

If you want to be a member of IOV- Ghana National section and to get the benefits of the membership, fill out this form  and submit it to:

Festival Committee chair
Emmanuel Ampofo




We will assist our paying members in getting invitation to festivals.

Special Projects Commission 

International Folk Art Project Commission chair
Mr. Stephen Kwame Awuku

The members of the Commission are:

* Financial Controller

* Secretary

* Organizer

* Social Media Blogger

* Festival Committee Members

Communication & Publications Commission

What does the commission do?

As in any association, internal and external communication is very important in Ghana National section as well.

The communication & Publications commission is working very intensively on it.

Communication & Publication commission chair
Anthony Gyan

The members of the commission are:

President- Ghana National section chair

Chair – Festival Committee
